Monday 23 September 2024

German Shepherd breathing really fast!


If you're a new German Shepherd puppy owner, you may have noticed your pup breathing rapidly while they sleep, and it's understandable if this concerns you. It's not uncommon for dog owners, especially first-time puppy parents, to become worried about their furry friends' health. However, rapid breathing during sleep is often entirely normal, especially in puppies. In this blog, we'll explore why German Shepherd puppies, and puppies in general, may breathe quickly while sleeping and when it might be a cause for concern.

If you're thinking about getting a German Shepherd or another breed of puppy, Dog for sale is the best place to find 100% purebred puppies ethically bred by genuine breeders in Kolkata.

Understanding Puppy Breathing Patterns

Before diving into the specifics, it's important to understand that puppies, like human babies, have different physiological traits compared to adult dogs. Puppies are still developing, and their bodies are adjusting to their new environment outside of the womb. This includes their respiratory system, which is more sensitive and active during certain stages of their development.

Typically, a puppy will breathe faster than an adult dog. The normal respiratory rate for a puppy at rest is between 15 to 40 breaths per minute, while an adult dog will have a rate of 10 to 30 breaths per minute. However, during sleep, you may notice that your puppy's breathing accelerates even more, and they may appear to be taking quick, shallow breaths. But is this something to worry about?

Common Causes of Fast Breathing in Puppies

There are several common and non-threatening reasons why your German Shepherd puppy might be breathing fast while sleeping. Here are some of the most likely causes:

1. Active Dreaming (REM Sleep)

Just like humans, puppies experience different stages of sleep, one of which is the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage. During REM sleep, your puppy's brain is very active, and this is when they are most likely to dream. You may notice their eyes twitching, legs moving, or even soft whimpers as they dream.

Fast breathing is also common during REM sleep. As your puppy's brain becomes more active during this sleep stage, their body may respond with rapid breathing. German Shepherds are known to be intelligent and energetic dogs, and even as puppies, they have vivid dreams that can cause them to breathe quickly while sleeping.

2. Puppy Development

Puppies are growing and developing at a rapid rate, and their internal organs, including their lungs, are maturing. Fast breathing can be a natural part of this development process, especially when they are in a state of rest or sleep. A puppy's body is still adjusting to life outside of the womb, and their respiratory system might not be fully developed, causing them to breathe faster than an adult dog.

If you’ve recently adopted a puppy, you can find more advice on their care from Dog for sale, where you'll also find well-bred puppies from ethical breeders.

3. Excitement or Overstimulation

Puppies are curious and playful creatures, and their day is often filled with new experiences and excitement. This can lead to overstimulation, which may carry over into their sleep. You might notice that after a long day of playing or learning new tricks, your puppy breathes quickly while sleeping. This is usually nothing to worry about, as it's just a sign that they’re processing all of the excitement from their day.

4. Heat or Temperature Regulation

German Shepherds, like many other breeds, are prone to becoming warm quickly, especially if they have thick coats. Puppies, in general, are not very good at regulating their body temperature, and they may breathe faster while sleeping as a way to cool themselves down. If your puppy seems to be breathing fast during sleep, make sure they’re not too hot. Consider adjusting the room temperature or providing them with a cooler spot to sleep.

When Should You Be Concerned?

While fast breathing is usually harmless, there are instances where it could be a sign of an underlying issue. Knowing the difference between normal puppy behavior and potential health problems is key to ensuring your German Shepherd puppy stays healthy and happy. Here are some red flags to look out for:

1. Breathing Problems While Awake

If your puppy is breathing rapidly not only during sleep but also while awake and at rest, this could indicate an issue. Heavy breathing or panting when your puppy hasn’t been active or when the weather isn’t hot may signal a respiratory problem, infection, or even heart disease. In such cases, it’s essential to consult a vet immediately.

2. Coughing or Wheezing

If your puppy is breathing quickly and also shows signs of coughing, wheezing, or difficulty catching their breath, this could be a symptom of an illness such as pneumonia or kennel cough. These are conditions that require immediate veterinary attention.

3. Lethargy or Lack of Appetite

If your puppy is breathing rapidly and also seems lethargic, uninterested in food, or not playing as they usually do, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Respiratory infections or other illnesses can cause fast breathing and affect your puppy’s overall energy levels.

4. Blue or Pale Gums

A more serious indicator of breathing difficulties or oxygen deprivation is a change in your puppy's gum color. Healthy gums should be pink and moist. If your puppy's gums appear pale, bluish, or grey, it could indicate that they are not getting enough oxygen, and you should seek emergency veterinary care.

Tips for Ensuring Your Puppy’s Health

To keep your German Shepherd puppy healthy, it’s essential to be aware of their breathing patterns and overall behavior. Here are a few tips to help ensure your puppy’s well-being:

  • Monitor their Breathing: Take note of how your puppy breathes both when they’re awake and asleep. If anything seems out of the ordinary, consult with your vet.
  • Keep Them Cool: Puppies, especially breeds with thick coats like German Shepherds, can overheat quickly. Make sure they have a cool, comfortable place to sleep.
  • Regular Vet Visits: Routine check-ups with your vet are essential for ensuring your puppy is growing healthily. Your vet can also address any concerns about breathing or other potential health issues.

For those looking to bring home a new puppy, Dog for sale is an excellent resource for finding purebred puppies ethically bred by genuine dog breeders in Kolkata.


In most cases, fast breathing in your German Shepherd puppy while they sleep is perfectly normal, especially if it occurs during REM sleep. Puppies are growing and developing at a rapid pace, and their respiratory systems are still maturing. However, it’s always important to stay vigilant and monitor your puppy’s behavior for any signs of distress.

If your puppy’s fast breathing is accompanied by other symptoms like coughing, lethargy, or changes in gum color, it’s essential to seek veterinary attention right away. By understanding what’s normal and what’s not, you can ensure your puppy grows up healthy and happy.

Looking for a new puppy to add to your family? Visit Dog for sale for 100% purebred puppies bred ethically from genuine breeders. You'll find the perfect companion to share your life with!

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